PCS Picnic Signup

Please let us know if you'll be attending the PCS Annual Picnic on Sunday, October 20, 2024 from Noon to 2:00 PM at Prescott's Goldwater Lake Park at the Lakeview Pavilion.

Remember: The first 30 cars arriving will have their parking fees paid for by PCS! We encourage you to carpool whenever possible to save you (and PCS) money.

Picnic Info

PCS Picnic Signup Form


Will you be attending the PCS Picnic?

How many will be in your party?

What dish will you be bringing to share? You're not limited to just salad or dessert. We'd like to see your culinary skills so feel free to bring something more substantial if you wish. If you're bringing an entrée or side dish, please describe it in the Comments box below.

Comments - Please describe entrée or side dish
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